Industrial Market Commentary
Nationally the big box market (warehouse buildings over 100,000 sq ft) has continued to perform well over the last 12–18 months, it has been reported that for the first half of 2019 take up hit 12.5m compared to 16.4m for the same period in 2018. Demand again being underpinned by online retail activity although take-up slipped in this sector to 14% of the total half-year take-up for 2019 compared to 25% for the same period in 2018. Brexit has caused some deals to be stalled although it is still anticipated that total take-up may exceed the 10 year average of 25m with the size range of 100-200,000 sq ft providing 66% of the total take-up. On Andover Business Park Centric 341 the new distribution building of nearly 342,000 sq ft has been let to UK technology distributors Westcoast Holdings.
In respect of activity on the M27 corridor, there has been a good level of activity across all locations.
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