On 1st September 2020, new changes to the Use Classes Order in England were made, which have been introduced by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020.
The changes amend the planning uses within the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and provide for three new uses classes: Class E (Commercial, business and service), Class F.1 (Learning and non-residential institutions) and F.2 (Local community).
Class E – ‘Commercial, business and service’ incorporates the following planning uses into one use class:
Class F.1 – ‘Learning and non-residential institutions’ incorporates the following planning uses into one use class:
Class F.2 – ‘Local Community’ incorporates the following planning uses into one use class:
A Pub or Drinking Establishment, a Takeaway and Cinemas, Concert Halls, Bingo Halls and Dance Halls all now fall within the Sui Generis use class.
The changes to the Use Classes Order in England, mentioned above, aim to promote the vitality and viability of town centres, by allowing more diversification to respond to changes in the retail and leisure sectors.
Please refer to the attached document, showing the changes to the Use Classes Order in England, effective from 1st September 2020.