A private landlord, advised by Curchod & Co and De Souza, has let the remaining 4,456 sq ft of offices at One Fleet, Ancells Business Park, Fleet in Hampshire to Outform Group UK Ltd, meaning that the whole property is fully let.
Outform Group UK Ltd, a global retail display specialist, has secured the self-contained ground floor office on a new five-year lease at an annual rent of £80,208 (£18 per sq ft).
Josie Reeves, Surveyor at Curchod & Co, commented “Outform required ground-floor office space with room for a small showroom and meeting facilities. One Fleet was an ideal fit, and thanks to the proactive approach of both landlord and tenant, the lease was agreed upon within just four weeks. Parking was a key consideration, and the ability to install electric vehicle charging points was an additional benefit.”
One Fleet is a modern two-storey office building within Ancells Business Park, a well-established commercial hub in Fleet. The property has been configured to provide four self-contained suites, ranging from 2,100 sq ft to 4,456 sq ft, accessed via an attractive double-height reception area. The ground floor office has excellent natural light and is within walking distance of local amenities and Fleet’s mainline railway station.
Outform Group UK Ltd was not represented in the transaction.