A private landlord, represented by Curchod & Co, has let 1,460 sq ft of retail space at 18 Chertsey Road in Woking to GDK (German Doner Kebab), the fast food brand that provides a healthy, nutritionally balanced alternative to the traditional kebab.
The shop property has been taken by the GDK on a new internal repairing and insuring lease for 15-years at an annual rent of £38,000 per annum.
Gary Whitaker of Curchod & Co LLP said: “Situated immediately opposite McDonalds, the shop property benefits from a high footfall. Chertsey Road is one of the most popular retail destinations in Woking and we continue to receive enquiries of a regular basis from retailers and leisure businesses looking for suitable premises.”
GDK was advised by McKinnon Nelson Property Consultants.