London Clancy decided at the beginning of the year to arrange for our staff to donate Easter Eggs which were to be delivered to the Paediatric Unit at Basingstoke Hospital.
Covid 19 hit and we entered lockdown but we decided to continue with the collection and arranged the delivery which took place on the 9th April 2020.
Keith Enters and Gary Gibbons of London Clancy were pleased to present our egg collection to Jo Lafford of the NHS on behalf of all of the staff. One of our contractors IRMJ Ltd heard of our plan and decided to contribute a box of eggs to this worthy cause. London Clancy are pleased to be able to bring a little joy to the young patients at this extremely difficult time.
London Clancy hope that all patients make a speedy recovery and hope that this small gift helps them through this difficult time. London Clancy would also like to thank all the staff and volunteers working so hard for the NHS at this time. Stay safe