A private landlord, advised by Curchod & Co LLP and Glanfield Holmlund, has let 26,882 sq ft of industrial space at Unit 2 Omega Park, Wilsom Road in Alton to Prismatic Ltd.
Constructed in the 1980’s the industrial property, which has 5,951 sq ft of offices at the first floor, has been taken by Prismatic on a new, eight-year lease.
Nick Reeve of Curchod & Co said: “Prismatic is a leader in the realm of design, manufacture and delivery of innovative, high value aerospace products and systems. The acquisition of this property and the business’ expansion is good news for the town, the local economy and other aerospace and technology businesses in the area.”
Paul Brooks, CEO of Prismatic, added: “Prismatic’s business requires a flexible and professional location and facility and Omega park provides a great building and environment. We are particularly pleased to be able to work in Alton and continue our successful business in North Hampshire”