A brace of deals at Mill Lane Industrial Estate in Alton

On behalf of M7 Real Estate, Curchod & Co and Grant Mills Wood, have let two industrial units at Mill Lane Industrial Estate in Alton, Hampshire to The National Trust, and Rediweld, the rubber and plastic manufacturer.

Together totalling 10,478 sq ft, the two industrial/warehouse properties have both been taken on new five-year leases.

The 5,261 sq ft Unit 4 has been taken by Rediweld, while The National Trust has taken the adjacent 5,217 sq ft Unit 5.

Alex Blown of Curchod & Co said: “The lettings of the properties to two strong covenants such as Rediweld and the National Trust follow a comprehensive refurbishment programme for properties at the Mill Lane Industrial Estate.

“Following these transactions, the remaining two properties on the estate are now receiving strong interest from the market,” he added.

Rediweld was represented by Basingstoke-based BDT and the National Trust was advised by Ian Steele of Park Steele in Farnham.


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