Acting on behalf of Aberdeen Standard, Curchod & Co are delighted to announce the pre-letting of Unit 8A Farnham Trading Estate.
Howdens Joinery have agreed to take a new reversionary lease for a term of 15 years.
The letting will involve the refurbishment of the property, once the current tenant FSL Interiors vacate later this year. Howdens will be relocating from their existing smaller premises at Unit 2 Farnham Trading Estate.
Nick Reeve at Curchod & Co commented “this letting which was agreed 10 months before the existing lease expired clearly demonstrates the significant demand and lack of supply of good quality industrial/warehouse units. We are experiencing significant interest in any industrial/warehouse property that is brought to the market and as a result rents and values have been rising despite the Covid 19 pandemic”.
If you have industrial/warehouse premises that are likely to become available in the near future please do get in touch as we have a large number of applicants looking in the Surrey/Hampshire area.