The health of businesses in Surrey is well established. The county stretches across the South of Greater London, making it the obvious out-of-town choice for a business location. Many high profile businesses across a swathe of sectors have already set up commercial base in Woking. The head offices of entertainment giant Ambassador Theatre Group are there and there’s a strong presence by business consultants Capgemini. The charity sector is represented by the WWF and automotive trailblazers McLaren Group have invested both in central town and in the rural outskirts.
But of all the towns in the county, why identify Woking? One of the most persuasive benefits of Woking as a business location is its enviable rail provision. Why is rail access so important to business? When global business is increasingly reliant on remote communication technology, how important is physical travel? Well, it’s incredibly significant and can make the difference when growing and sustaining a business, whether big or small.
From Woking, it takes less than 30 minutes to reach London Waterloo on fast trains. Even the slow trains are under an hour in duration. From Waterloo, access to both the City and the West End is extremely straightforward. This makes business meetings across London an easy prospect. Travel takes less out of a working day and prospective clients are also more likely to visit your base and establish strong relationships.
Access to the heart of a town by rail is a huge benefit when attracting high-quality personnel to your business. Woking is linked by rail to towns and villages across the South, providing a straightforward commute to a large proportion of the local population. For growing businesses seeking a high calibre workforce, this is a huge benefit to locating in Woking.
Of course, business doesn’t just take place in London. Woking’s location to the South West of the capital makes it ideally located for the port towns of Portsmouth, Southampton and Weymouth as well as the South West business hub of Bristol. All of these cities and towns are regularly serviced by rail from Woking. So Woking based businesses need not focus all their attention on London alone.
As rail facilities are improving and embracing technology, it becomes more attractive to business travellers. Whilst on board a train from Woking, you can charge your phone or tablet using power points designed for this purpose. With onboard Wi-fi, you can stream a movie or get some work done. Not a minute needs to be wasted whilst using the fast rail link from Woking to London.
Compare rail travel with a group of colleagues to choosing independent journeys by car. As rail accommodates travel as an interactive group, your journey to a meeting or pitch can multi-task as informal discussion time. Internal relationships will benefit from this as well as your final business meeting!
Taking the train is more eco-friendly than other cross country modes of transport. The speed by which you can travel into London from Woking opens up the rest of England to be accessed by high-speed rail travel instead of domestic air travel. When the carbon footprint of your business is an increasing concern, choosing Woking for your HQ can have really positive consequences.
Luggage room is an often overlooked benefit of rail travel. From bicycles to suitcases to equipment for your meeting, there is no size limit to your luggage on the train. You also have continual access to your belongings. So on a journey from Woking to London as a business traveller, make the most of the additional space that rail provision provides.